Double-tap Instagram posts for $32/hour
To like a post on Instagram you simply double-tap it. And thanks to today’s job offering you can get paid as much as $32 per hour for double-tapping posts on social apps like Instagram. Even if you’ve never used a social app on your phone before, you can download these apps for free in a few seconds and get tapping for money today. Here’s the job spec…
Job title: Make $32 per hour testing social apps like Instagram
Job description: We’re looking for 4 remote workers on behalf of a small social app developer who is about to launch a suite of social apps on Android and IOS devices. They need enthusiastic testers to download their apps and test their functionality, such as liking posts. These apps are very similar to Instagram (with the double-tap to like function), so if you’re familiar with that, you’ll be right at home testing them.
Pay: $32 per hour
Location: Countries that qualify for this job: United States.
Requirements: To apply you’ll need 10 hours free per week minimum. And you can test these apps for $32/hour for as many hours above that as you like. You’ll need an Android or IOS smartphone or tablet to download and use these social apps.
Necessary Experience: This is an entry-level testing position, so you don’t need any prior quality testing experience. Simply the ability to download an app on your smartphone or tablet and the willingness to test these social apps thoroughly. $32/hour for trying out social apps like Instagram is a dream job. And with only 4 positions, they’re going to go very fast.
So, click the button below and register your interest now.